Ginseng also known as Panax ginseng is a fleshy roots typically found in the cooler climate in the northern hemisphere and is known to be native to Korea, China and North America. In Latin, the term "Panax" means "healing everything". Panax ginsengs are adaptogenic herbs. "Adaptogens" are a general term used to describe therapies that increase the broad spectrum of physical, chemical and biological factors (stress, disease, fatigue) to organisms.

The main active ingredient in ginseng is Ginsenosides (saponins). Ginsengozides can also be found in the leaves and stems of the ginseng plant, but the highest concentration of fleshy root is the same. Approximately 29 ginsenocids are found in the ginseng root. Ginzeng also contains a number of steroidal compounds, such as panaxtriol, which are very similar to anabolic steroids naturally occurring in the human body. Siberian ginseng comes from the same family but is not a real ginseng and the active ingredient is eleutherosid.

The latest discovery of ginseng is the germanium ingredient, a powerful detoxification found in organic products. Germanium works as an effective blood purifier

"Ginseng has a cleansing effect as the greasy material is expelled (based on purely experimental experiments), it is better to use the prana used after ginseng and promote the assimilation of fresh primary energy"

– Deadly Healing, Master Choa Kok Sui, Founder of Pranic Healing and Arthuric Yoga

Ginseng Plants' original name is "Ren Shen" in Chinese and In Sam, "Man-root" because the shape of the root is similar to the human form, complementing the body and the limbs Ginseng ripens for several years and the most cultivated roots Are harvested if the plant is between 3 and 10 years of age. For some unknown reasons, the cultivated ginseng plants begin to degenerate if they have not died for a long time. However, wild ginseng is known to reach degeneration at 100-150 years of age. Ginseng requires at least 6 years to achieve maturity to take any therapeutic value. Plants harvested after 6 years do not have the healing ingredients and therefore are ineffective. Ginseng is naturally white / blue when harvested. The drying process determines the color of the final product. In ancient times, red ginseng was dried in the sun, giving a distinctive color. Most red ginseng is now available, evaporating during processing, giving a similar red color. The Steaming Process of Red Panax Ginseng is unique and powerful as it concentrates and strengthens the healing energy of ginseng. Traditionally, only red ginseng was used in Asia for healing purposes.

Red ginseng is considered warmer (yang) than white ginseng (yin / cooler). Red ginseng has better health benefits and healing powers than white ginseng. China's agricultural affiliation Shen Nong, called "Herbal Classic", is the earliest known Chinese medical book, "Ginzeng is effective to strengthen the heart, to stabilize the nervous system and the mind, to stop the shock."

, To improve the level of intelligence and prolong life. "

In the Materia Medica Compendium, the famous Ming Dynasty herbologist Li Shizhen pointed out that ginseng is extremely effective in filling the vitality of the human body, rejuvenating the old look and saving life At the edge of death.

According to Chinese herbal medicines, the organs include spleen and stomach belonging to the Earth element that is thought to be the root of energy. Ginseng is also an element of the Earth. Therefore, ginseng is thought to have an effect on the stomach (navel and secondary navel) and spleen, thereby rapidly energizing the entire body. "Ginseng, when apparently sees it, is very clear as other foods and medicines.Ginseng has many prana (life energy) and many" synthetic poisons. "Secondary umbilical gushes (the consumption of ginseng)" synthetic out "a significant increase in the activated person Due to chakras Several "synthetic poisons" and "synthetic ki" in fetal ginseng (Synthetic Synthesis Synthesis – produced by a complex complex combination of a separate entity / substance.)

– Choa Kok Sui Master, Advanced Pranic Healing

Some uses that can be made of ginseng –

Anti-aging, diabetes, anemia, cancer, depression, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, menopause, impotence, shock, fatigue, high blood pressure, radiation effects, detoxifying effects of morphine and cocaine use, environmental, physical and mental stress Chronic illness

"Red ginseng nourishes the five internal organs, is sweet, does not contain toxicity, calms and stabilizes the spirit, eliminates heartburn, prevents fright, stops fear, removes evil Qi (Pathogenic Factors ), Cleans eyes, opens the heart, illuminates the mind, strengthens memory, improves wisdom, and long-term administration of ginseng facilitates the body and prolongs life. "Ginseng's effect depends on the dose, from the ginseng supplier (A Different suppliers have different light intensity or power And the body of the subject, half a gram of ginseng lasts for about 10 to 16 hours, and during this period the effect of ginseng is reduced, so half a gram of ginseng should be kept twice a day to preserve the health. Patients (But not required) One gram of ginseng is recommended before and after the large number of patients, and for very weak patients it is beneficial to Take one or two grams of ginseng before the healer treats it.

– Choa Master Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing, Seed I

Some unconfirmed side effects of gingivitis include insomnia, headache, gastritis, diarrhea, scarring And dizziness

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