What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder in which the skin cells are produced much faster than normal, up to ten times faster than those occurring on the surface of scaly patches, most often on the elbows or knees. These can be ugly and painful. It may be because of pruritus, cracking, and bleeding that sufferers feel vigilant. It is known that a number of factors, including trauma, infections, injury, drug reactions, smoking, alcohol and most emotional stress are caused. In the summer months, sufferers usually hide their ugly rash.

Psoriasis is not contagious. Its most common form, plaque psoriasis, appears as red patches or lesions, this time silver-white accumulated skin cells. In 10 to 30% of patients, psoriasis may also appear as psoriatic arthritis, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling around and around the joints. Severe intestinal problems may also occur.

There are several types of psoriasis, but discoid or "plaque" psoriasis is far and far the most common form. Distinctive spots on the inflamed, scaly skin of the trunk and the extremities, appearing especially on the elbows, knees and scalp. In addition, the affected nails can get wet, thickened or separated from the nails. Psoriasis is most commonly found in children: small patches appear quickly on a wide area, often after a sore throat.

When the psoriasis develops, the cycle of cell growth accelerates. In a healthy skin, the cycle of cell culture in the cell is about 1 month; In the skin with psoriasis, the cycle is reduced to 3-4 days. Skin is thickened and reddened due to increased blood supply to support increased activity and dead skin cells become white flakes. It is believed that the immune system causes the effect of sending the wrong signals.

Genetic relationship was suggested. About 2% of Europeans and Americans eliminate the disease and are less common in black and Asian communities. Symptoms usually appear for the first time in the 10 to 30 year-old age group.

Our skin is the body of our body. We have no conscious lead on what's happening in our skin. Confusion or exercise can make our skin redderable and fear or illness may be pale. Our unconscious brain controls our skin as such, hypnosis is also effective in widespread treatment of skin complaints, for example. Acne, eczema, warts, nettle, rosacea, pruritis and embarrassing problems such as blur and sweaty palms.

Orthodontic Treatment of Psoriasis

Orthodox treatment suggests exposure to sunlight or an ultraviolet light (light therapy), but only in small portions. Emollient (moisturizing cream) also helps. If an attack gets worse then an ointment usually contains coal tar or ditranulate. Other options include P.U.V.A. (Phototherapy type), corticosteroids, and other drugs such as methotrexate. Psychiatric patients with accompanying arthritis may be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), anti-rheumatic agents or methotrexate and sedative or antidepressant drugs in severe cases. Other forms of treatment include nutrition, Detoxification, Trichology, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Healing and Stress Management

The Power of Hypnosis with Psoriasis

This can be explained by the science of Psychoneuroimmunology, which examines the relationship between mental and immune systems.

The unconscious has learned how to respond to excessive cell growth triggers. By re-designing the unconscious to similarly trigger similar triggers, the symptoms of psoriasis would be reduced.

Many health states where emotional factors play a significant role hypnosis can ease. Why this? Our emotional states may seem to be developing independently, in a way that is outside our control. While it is true that emotional response is not conscious behavior, it has been clearly demonstrated that the nature, intensity and duration of such responses can be modified by hypnosis. The skin was called the "mirror" of the mind and may be an external manifestation of an inner conflict. Potential emotions may be anger, aggression, frustration, or guilt.

As the blood pressure increases or decreases, healing can be accelerated, the immune response can be confirmed and the pain can be reduced or eliminated. Hypnosis is an extremely effective way of making such changes by re-programming the so-called instinctive responses driven by the unconscious mind. In some cases, exploring early memories and removing the connection to the memory is a significant state improvement.

The National Psoriasis Foundation, the US charity, states that hypnotherapy may be useful in the treatment of psoriasis. It was emphasized that hypnosis is a relaxation technique and stress is well-known as a psychedelic motion.

It was also believed that the psychedelic trapped emotion or inappropriate release mechanism for emotions. Discovering the emotional cause and developing an alternative method that liberates this emotion can regulate psoriasis. The sufferer may not know the cause. Even those who have been suffering from birth may enjoy the benefits of hypnosis

Download hypnosis mp3 Psoriasis treatment allows you to reach a much higher level of control with your powerful metaphor and hypnotic visualization. Soon you will not only feel much relaxed but you can notice your skin and overall health improvement. Transformative metaphor can be used to activate the person's own unconscious healing processes and to alleviate psoriasis

Scientific Study on Hypnosis on Psoriasis

A former Massachusetts University of Massachusetts, a professor of psychosomatic medicine in September / October, Jon Kabat-Zinn, a study of the use of meditation-based relaxation. Tapes in ultraviolet (UV) psychiatric patients. Patients who observed the tapes during the treatment cleansed the skin faster (sometimes twice as fast) than those who only enjoyed light therapy

Hypnotherapy can be a great help to psoriasis patients A new report . Researchers at John Hopkins University, Baltimore, made a three-month study on the use of hypnotherapy among stable, chronic, plaque-type psoriatic adults.

Five of them gave Positive positive suggestions to their skin. Six neutral proposals were received. Each patient had a beneficial effect, but those whose hypnotic suggestions specifically targeted their psoriasis were much better healing. Researchers found that very hypnotized patients had much greater benefit than those who were only moderately hypnotized. Although only a small-scale study suggests hypnotherapy can be a useful therapeutic treatment for Psoriasis Tausk, Whitmore SE: "Pilot study of hypnosis in treating patients."

Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 1999; 68: 221-225 (DOI: 10.1159 / 000012336)

Additional information:

Book: Hartland's Medical and Dental Hypnosis "David Waxman

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