Man is a "thruim" creature. It is generally accepted that it consists of body, soul, and soul. The body is the physical aspect of every person, visible and touchable. This includes all parts of the body, including the six senses. The body can be tortured, chained, and imprisoned. Man's body can be limited to one place and limited to movement.

The soul of man is immaterial and invisible. In the soul, conscience, sense, and so on. Sitting is the soul. Therefore, without the soul, no one can interact with his soul. The soul is both mental and spiritual. The soul receives it from the soul and hands it to the body. The soul can not be imprisoned. A man can sit in jail, but the mind is well in the Presidential Palace. Man's thoughts, arguments, imagination, etc. You can not limit the jail bar.

The spirit of every human being receives from the creator and transmits it to the soul, and the soul instructs the A received information. The spirit is the life of every human, without the soul being dead. The suffering of the body may affect the soul if the soul allows but does not affect the spirit. The Spirit, referred to as the Sixth Sense by the Napoleonic Mountains, is part of the subconscious mind that was called a creative imagination. It was also called as the receiving kit through which ideas, plans and thoughts flash the mind. Flashes are sometimes called naming or inspiration. The soul can never be chained. Indestructible because it belongs to the creator When these ideas and ideas inspire spirits spiritually in inspirational forms or ideas, the mind begins to evolve and create a product with imagination. Gradually, the mind assembles all parts of the new creation with the power of imagination. The buyer has the opportunity to turn this unreal product into reality by moving the mind from the mind to the body or laying it down. The body is a creator of tangible things. Great inspirations or imagination are useless if they are not transposed into the body to make them physically. Society can only enjoy its wonderful ideas when it reaches them, knowing that no one has access to another's mind. Every use of life is not a product or a body creation, but a result of the People who work their minds and spirits. According to L. Frank Baum, "the imagination gave us the steam engine, the phone, the talking machine and the car, because these things had to be dreamed before they became reality." Therefore, even if your body is closed, your soul and soul are free and intact, so you can take advantage of it even in jail. What you need to be successful is not your body, but spirit and soul. The best type of freedom is not physical but mental and spiritual freedom. All soul and soul free people are able to succeed everywhere. A crazy person can never be productive because he is in a mental prison. The dead become physically and mentally inactive because the soul is disconnected from the body and soul. But the world has created so great prisoners and ex-convicts who have positively rooted the world.

Even if the barracks of the prison prevent your body from being used, do not let the Spirit and spirit prevent you. The next celebrated prisoner or ex-convict may be merely your heart's work. The body respects the state of the prison, but your ideas are hardly affected without your permission, and the spirit can never escape the state of the prison. You can wrest your body, but do not let it touch your soul or spirit. Prison conditions can break your body, but we need to protect our souls and souls. According to Nelson Mandela, "the human body has a powerful ability to adapt to the tried and tested conditions, I found it to be unbearable if the body of our body can be maintained, its soul may be complete even if the stomach is empty."

Life in the body can be tough and frustrating, but it lives in mind and spirit, self-control. Therefore, it is possible to determine how it lives when life lives in spirit and spirit. When life is physically distorting and hard, change to "soulless" or spiritual life, and sometimes your body will learn how to cope with the pain of life. Destroy my body, torment or imprison, but my soul learns to live without body. Perhaps if my mind touches me, my soul heals both. Critics like Jimmy Hoffa say that the author is crazy. Let's read his quote; "I can say this at a biblical station: Prisons are archaic, brutal, regenerative, overcrowded hellish hills where prisoners are treated like animals who have absolutely no human idea of ​​what they will do once they are released." I know some prisoners are alive and treated like cage animals. And most inmates or ex-convicts claim that the mind can not be maximum in jail, given the rough and inhuman circumstances. Let's take an example from John Lubbock, an ex-convict: "The whole value of loneliness depends on man's own, whether it's a sanctuary or a prison, a place of rest or punishment, heaven or hell, just as we do it."

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