I suppose that because you read this, you will apply hypnosis to yourself and maybe to others. This is the case, you need a clear idea of ​​hypnosis. In the upcoming articles, we will reveal that hypnosis occurs in three ways:

  • Science Lens

Now hypnosis is simple, I would like to present a clear and clear description of this. So here it is:

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring psychological process that, if used intentionally, uses positive relaxation, concentration and imagination.

When a person is able to concentrate skillfully, induce rest and stimulate imagination in themselves and in others, then the effect can be powerful! It's almost like creating a "virtual reality simulator" in the mind. Let's look at this definition a bit deeper. The Natural Psychological Process

It is important to understand from the beginning that there is no magic or mystical hypnosis (although hypnosis can be combined with spirituality). In essence, hypnosis is indeed a simple psychological process. All this means that if the brain / mind can be directed to the right steps, all people (except brain damage or those with severe mental injury) may become hypnosis

The fact that people are in contact every day with the hypnotic trans Without being aware of it. Here are some examples of everyday hypnotic trance:

  1. " Zoning" while driving Whenever you visited a familiar place and on arrival, did you notice that you did not remember the trip because you took your mind elsewhere?
  2. Entertainment. This often occurs when you think of a future project or event that reminds you of a past event or just lets your mind drift. You can be so absorbed in the inner reality that you do not recognize what is happening in your outer environment.
  3. Reading an Interesting Book Have you ever met a book in which the author apparently creates a movie in your mind? Perhaps you even identified the character (s) or felt certain emotions (such as excitement or anger) about fictional events in the book.
  4. He started moving a movie. This is similar to reading an interesting book, and sometimes even more hypnotic, as it stimulates more physical senses and imagination (such sight and hearing). Sometimes you can get stuck in the movie for two hours just watching a few minutes!
  5. I was really interested in an interesting conversation. This can happen when you are talking to someone about a subject that you are very interested in or listening to a charismatic loudspeaker.
  6. Sexual fantasies. Yes, I said. Most hypnotists would avoid the conversation. However, sexual fantasies may be one of the most powerful trance in which one enters because sex is a fundamental human driving force and need. They also showed us how strong hypnosis is, because when we start a sexual fantasy "trance", it can affect our emotions and even our physical body! (Note: In erotic hypnosis and temptation hypnosis we will be a bit later on the road!) First let me say hypnosis is not a relaxation. One person can go hypnosis without resting. For example, if you witness a terrible car accident, you are likely to be in a highly concentrated hypnotic state. It is reasonable to assume that you will not relax. It just shows that hypnosis and relaxation are two different things. That said, relaxation can be a "gate" in hypnosis. There are a number of ways to "launch yourself and others" in hypnosis (the "shock" one in the example above). We will talk more about how to do this in later articles. Now let's focus on what kind of relaxation we need for hypnosis. Most hypnotizers and hypnotherapists tend to induce physical and psychological relaxation in our subjects / clients as the primary method of moving them carefully to a hypnotic trance. The reason for this is simple to understand. Let me list a few:

    • Focusing on Focus Most people in today's world do not know how to deliberately relax. We are so used to being "on the go". As a result, we often find our consciousness constantly competing and aiming at wandering all over the place. In this state of mind, it may be extremely difficult to focus and focus. As already mentioned, strong concentration is one of the prerequisites for hypnosis . In order to help people develop intense concentration, hypnotists often use hypnosis techniques to help their subjects / clients relax their bodies and clear their minds.
    • Increased learning ability . If you think it works much better if you're calm, right? On the other hand, it is very difficult to work effectively when you are restless or disturbed, right? Experience shows that if you are in a relaxed state of mind, you can focus more, you can perform better and make it easier. That's exactly what the hypnotists want to drive! They are finally trying to help you find new ways of thinking, feelings, beliefs, and actions. In reality, you are at all times in a concentrated state of mind, in hypnosis or (even if you concentrate on negative ones). Common sense also requires that you have to concentrate on learning something (or even memorizing a phone number). Does that make sense? Therefore, strong concentration is an integral part of the hypnosis process.

      He does not stop there. There is another role that concentration plays in hypnosis, and this is about control. In other words, it is about checking someone's (or their own) attention. In hypnosis, we want to have a person's attention to certain (positive) things while keeping their attention away from other (negative) things. You see that the center of attention has everything to do with realizing it. For example, we can focus on nervous thoughts and anxieties or concentrate on soothing the thoughts and calming down. They cover everything you're focusing on. The problem is that most people can not reliably direct their own attention. They feel as if their minds are used in their favor in a positive and productive way. If you fall into this category, it's okay; We all do it from time to time. This is where a hypnotist / hypnotherapist can be useful. As hypnotists we teach different hypnosis techniques to the center of attention. This is where self-hypnosis can be very useful. Over time, you can use self-hypnosis to prepare yourself to deliberately direct your attention (in-depth self-hypnosis in the following articles).


      Whether you realize it or not, your imagination is very powerful and play a huge part in everyday life. Unfortunately, many people use their imagination in a devastating way, imagining bad things and often portraying the worst scenarios. These people do not realize that their subconscious minds are designed to respond to fears, anxieties, and failures by constantly trying out the negative outcomes and mentality. Do you remember what I said about a "virtual reality simulator" in the mind? Well, that's your imagination!

      Hypnosis is about using the imagination of (and others) as a positive and constructive way as a positive tool. You see, imagination is the "language" understood by the subconscious mind (the part of the mind that regulates automatic responses). Real internal change takes place at the subconscious level. That is the case, it is important that we learn to use our imagination in a positive and constructive way to redefine our subconsciouss so that we can react more and more to success!

      Stay Tuned Because as we go, I'll show you how to use hypnosis effectively to do this in your own life and in the lives of others!

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